Posts for howto

High Available MySQL database cluster to eliminate your next SPOF

In high-available production environments like a Software-as-a-Service Cloud environment, you have …

Extend Kubernetes Persistent Volumes

In Kubernetes it is possible to use Persistent Volumes to add persistent storage to your Docker …

Install CFSSL and CFSSLJSON - CloudFlare's KPI toolkit

Generating certificate signing requests (CSR), certificates and keys can be a hassle. CloudFlare …

Kubernetes cluster on OpenStack - Part 1

The last few weeks I'm working with Kubernetes and OpenStack. It's a steep learning curve to get a …

Install Rancher Server on CentOS 7

Do you want to use Docker containers in production on a CentOS 7 machine, but you think it is hard? …

Persistent storage in Docker containers using Rancher-NFS

Number one challenge when you are using Docker in production environments is storage. On you local …