Posts for technology

Flash ESPEasy on NodeMCU ESP32-WROOM-32

I bought some NodeMCU ESP32-WROOM-32 development boards to monitor temperatures of my central …

Store your source code in WSL2 instead of in Windows

The main question when using WSL2 for development purposes is where to store the source code of …

Lightning speed development on Windows 10 with WSL 2, Docker, Terminal and Jetbrains IntelliJ/PyCharm/PHPStorm

Developing on Windows was challenging before Microsoft introduced WSL 2. Running Linux Virtual …

Automate your home with a Shelly 1 Wi-Fi module

I'm a bit conservative about automating my home because of the vendor lock-in or the requirement to …

Install Keycloak on CentOS 7 with MySQL backend

Keycloak is an open source Identity and Access Management solution aimed at modern applications and …

Use Kubernetes Certificate Manager to automatically add SSL/TLS certificates to ingresses

Kubernetes Certificate Manager (cert-manager) is a native Kubernetes controller helping you to …