Posts for php

Password complexity and blacklist in Symfony (optionally with FOSUserBundle)

Password strength is a more and more important subject for (web) applications. I guess we have all …

Test sending emails using Symfony + Behat + Selenium2

Testing your Symfony application with Behat and Selenium2 is a good approach to check if your …

Robo PHP - A modern task runner

At work, I am responsible for version management and releasing software. The process of releasing a …

Test your Doctrine2 metadata mapping configuration

I use the Doctrine2 Object Relational Mapper as abstraction layer between my model and database. I …

HOWTO: Quick start to the Silex microframework

How to start with the Silex microframework and what is the best folder structure for my new micro …

Introduction to StashPHP

Stash is a PHP library and makes it easy to cache the results of expensive code, like database …